What’s the Difference Between Clear Aligners & Invisalign?

If you’re thinking about having your teeth straightened with clear aligners like Invisalign or Smiles Correct,, you might be asking what exactly are the differences between the two aligner systems and which is ideal for your teeth? Here at Tilghman Orthodontics, your local Eastern Shore Orthodontist, we have years of experience helping patients achieve the smile of their dreams with both Invisalign and Smiles Correct and we know how to develop a specialized treatment plan for every patient who walks through our door. Find out the difference between Invisalign and Smiles Correct, and how Dr. Tilghman can help you be proud of your smile!


By now you’ve heard of Invisalign, the incredible orthodontic treatment that is nearly invisible while being worn. Invisalign uses a series of durable polymer aligners to gently guide your teeth back into place-shaping and straightening your new smile. Invisalign is great for patients with oral misalignments or malocclusions, and is a sure-fire way to improve your smile and your overall oral health as well!

Clear Aligners: Smiles Correct

For those patients who might not want to spend the money on Invisalign and appreciate customization of their aligners for better fit and feel, Smiles Correct is the ideal option. Dr. Tilghman chooses to offer Smiles Correct Clear Aligners so that each and every patient has access to affordable orthodontic aligner treatment at both our Salisbury and Berlin offices. Here are some of the reasons that Smiles Correct is one of the most popular treatments at our office:

  • More cost-effective than Invisalign
  • Great for patients with less severe orthodontic issues
  • Shorter treatment time
  • Invisible and removable just like Invisalign!

Book A Visit With Dr. Tilghman

It can feel daunting to decide which orthodontic treatment is best for your teeth but luckily, you don’t have to! Here at Tilghman Orthodontics, your local Salisbury & Berlin orthodontic practice, we offer a comprehensive screening service to all of our patients, which gives us the information to help you decide which treatment meets your needs and your budget. Contact Dr. Tilghman today to learn more about the differences between Invisalign and Smiles Correct or to schedule a complimentary consultation today! Virtual consults available as well.